With all eyes on BC and Canada it can be difficult not to get wrapped up in some not so positive news surrounding the 2010 Olympics.
There have been protesters with posters, fatal practice runs, and technical difficulties seen upon a backdrop of mild temperate weather that still eludes us (last year we were in snow-survival mode this time wondering how we would make it up the road and out of the cul-de-sac just to get to work).

But I am taking stand! Today as a proud Canadian I am taking a stand to eat, breathe and speak only the positive aspects of the 2010 Olympics! This is a time in my life that I will never forget, so why not make it the happiest time! Protesters and negative news stories you will not get my spirits down! Keep your negativity away from my shield of roses! For these two weeks will no doubt be amazing, so let it be my duty to all my fellow Canadians, and the world to show you a truly positive Canadian Olympics!

Join me as we cheer for all past torch bearers who brought the communities surrounding us together if only for a brief moment to cheer on the flame. Feel warm and fuzzy when you see our furry mascot friends, who don't speak our language but can unite any 2010 Vancouverite with the sound of a cowbell ringing around their neck. Be polite, and offer to take a picture for your fellow photographer...because we all love pictures we can be in together. Last but not least SMILE as you smell the scent of spring in the air! It is not every year the world gets to come to your backyard to cheer on athletes, family and friends alike.

As my mom used to tell me "Smile and the World Smiles with you, Frown and you Frown alone!"
Go Canada Go!
(for Gold of course)

It must be especially fun to live in Vancouver right now! Enjoy!