Midweek days off are not so bad I have decided.
I got up early...well early being around 8. OK, I'm lying. I opened my eyes at 8 and laid in bed for another 45 minutes. That was nice. Especially with the sun shining in my eyes, I really thought that it was Spring already.
Then off to town to visit the dentist, and run multiple other errands that you can only get done mid week when the traffic is less and shops and stores are still open. I always forget that running around to do errands is actually a full day's job, and it makes you tired. None the less I decided to come home and make some sugar cookies with my newly purchased cookie pan.
Let me retrace my steps. There is a new Thrifty's supermarket in town that I decided to stop and check out. Which was maybe not the greatest of idea's. With their parking lot in full construction mode, and maybe half of town also there to check out the new market the parking lot was less than pleasing. It's probably better to call it a puzzle lot, or a no-parking lot, or best yet the game for Ipod called Parking Lot. It was somewhat of a joke, and I am starting to wish I lived within walking distance to things like grocery stores just to avoid parking lots and the people that use them all together. But that is another story left for another day.
OK....so I walked around the grocery store, which looked great! New stores are always fully staffed with people everywhere And then Inspiration!! TaDA! ready to help, samples ready to try and they are always clean. Walking around the supermarket is where I got a great idea for cookies!!!
I know what your thinking...I had to read all that rubbish just to find out that's how you decided that tonight you would make cookies! OK! Well it was. But these cookies that inspired me were huge! They were decorated well and wrapped in little cellophane bags tied with cute Valentines day ribbons! That's when I knew I had to make some!
I love Valentines day just because I love to make the pretty decorated sugar cookies which to me is more fun than colouring outside the lines in my 3 year old nieces colouring book!

So....off to the Kitchen Store I went! OMG! I love this store! It's filled with the coolest kitchen gadgets one has ever seen. Baking supplies galore...and this one amazing cup/2 carat ring! I also found some great cookie cutters while I was there, which I will use later on my second batch of sugar hearts. But for this evening I used this cool pan that forms the cakes. It looked neat, and was supposed to emboss the picture onto the cookie. I thought it did an OK job. I would probably give it maybe 6/10 but a neat idea! Lucky for me I had noticed a dent in the pan and got it for 20% off! I really love getting a deal.
So...to all you sweet people out there reading this I will leave you with some pictures from my baking escapades tonight!