So...amongst my condiment fridge I managed to throw together quite the breakfast. The secret to a great breakfast is not using fancy ingredients, it truly is being creative in what you put together along with an immaculate presentation. I know that when food looks better, the portions don't have to be as large...and I take longer to savor the flavours.
And now without further a due, and with much inspiration pulled from C's blogsite The Road to Health I just had to photograph my food journey this morning.
I started with some frozen blueberries stored in the freezer. Organic and from a co-workers farm last year, their little blue heads peeked out at me as plump and delicious. They needed a little livening so I tossed them in the microwave to defrost and added a dallop of crushed pineapple which I had leftover from baking. To that I added some plain eating right yogurt and still not satisfied I tossed on a handful of bee pollen. Bee pollen I discovered last year in an naturalist attempt to curb my spring-time hay fever, summer allergies. To that what bowl of deliciousness is not complete without a drizzle of honey and a shake of cinnamon to sweeten the deal . Yum....this first course to my 'breakfast' was amazing!

As my creativity started to turn in the kitchen I knew my breakfast would not be complete without some hearty protein. So I grabbed a weight watchers English muffin ( they are whole wheat and portion sized) and let the microwave bring my carb friend to life. I then grabbed my favouite egg poacher- the poach pod, to whip myself up a healthy mc kelly's muffin. I added some fresh arugula and a Kraft singles slice with a sprinkle of paprika and s&p and Voila!~

The most delicious breakfast all week.
Made for free.
Eaten in comfort.
No added crap included.

and to top off the home dining experience, enjoyed with a tall wine glass filled with chilled juice.