It has really been a year already! How time flies....almost a year ago to the day was when I published my last post. That is really a sign of a bad blogger.
So whats new in a year?
I was busy baking cakes last time this year...and it seems as soon as spring comes along it is that time again...Wedding Season! This weekend I am baking a spectacular blue buttercake layered with delicious blue-berries and buttercream for a very royal blue and silver themed wedding. I
cannot wait to share pictures.
I always love Spring! I also love fall and winter, but I mostly love the fragrant smell of the flowers blooming, the cool ocean breeze salt air, and fresh cut grass that come along in Spring. I don't love all the sneezing from the pollen that floats around, but compromise is key, right?
I also love the fact that I get to embrace in all the wedding hoop-la that Spring and Summer bring...because this past March I got engaged! After waiting for what seemed like centuries, I get to bask in the glory of other brides this season as I look for inspiration and ideas to capture a life of whimsical and beauty in my own upcoming 2012 wedding. I cannot tell you how excited I am. Ever since I was a little girl I cut out pictures of brides and weddings, and dresses only to paste them to my stark white bedroom walls (much to my father's demise as the tape over the years peeled off the paint from the wall).
I will try and share all of my great ideas as I prep and prepare and research for my dream wedding, and I hope you will follow and share ideas and maybe keep some of mine!
For's back to the wedding cake! I will leave you with some of the first pictures I took of Spring from my own backyard!
Happy Spring!